Prince Kumar Singh Frontend / UX

passionate about crafting digital experiences that delight, empower. My core values are authenticity, minimalism and independent thinking. I love everything at the intersection of tech, design and philosophy.

Portfolio of Prince

I specialise in frontend development. I'm also a sucker for clean, functional designs that prioritise user experience. Some of the tools I like working with are —

React, Next, React Native, TypeScriptFirebase, MongoDB, Express, NodeDocker, KubernetesCurrently working at Li-Ning Studio on their e-commerce website.

proof of Work



AgilixAn opinionated, simplified kanban planner. Over 250 stars on github. Made with React, Tailwind, Firebase.



SneaxAn e-commerce web app store of a fictional company. Built with MERN and Redux.



BookmarxAn app that allows you to save links for later use. Made with Next, MongoDB, MaterialUI.



SprofileVisualize your personalized Spotify data. Get song recs based on your mood. Explore song features.

Some more projects


A web app for converting tweets into beautiful images. Downloadable as PNG, SVG or JPEG. Made with Next, Twitter API and ChakraUI. 150+ stars on GitHub.


Streax helps you make great habits. Start with a habit and stick to doing it everyday and don't break the chain. Made with React, Firebase.


A beautiful web app for Pokemon Fans. Get all the Pokemon data like types, evolution chain, move pool. Made with NextJS and TailwindCSS.

don't be a stranger

Let's make something exciting, together. If you have an opportunity or any project that would benefit from my involvement, feel free to reach me at Or drop a DM on Twitter. I'll be delighted to talk to you.